Areas of expertise

The firm serves both natural persons and companies, funds, banks, insurance companies, and Third Sector associations, thus covering all fields of notarial scope with a particular focus on the following areas:

Real Estate

The firm has consolidated experience in the real estate sector, not only in the purchase of residential properties by natural persons but also acquisitions by public and private entities and companies.

Over time, the firm has assisted numerous real estate funds in the acquisition and disposal of properties, in the establishment of asset management companies, also putting in place complex due diligence (including that relating to the disposal of all real estate assets owned by ENEL, an Italian national electricity company).

Startup and innovation

In recent years, the startup and innovation sector has become particularly important, and the firm has kept abreast of developments in order to be able to offer the best possible assistance to Innovation Startups, both in the setup phase and in the subsequent scale-up phases.

Hence the experience acquired allows the firm to offer specific professional advice both in drafting personalized articles, tailored to the needs of founders and investors, and also to assist companies in capital increase rounds and any other operation connected to the growth and development of the startup.

Third Sector and Non-Profit

The firm serves some of the most important Italian foundations and associations, monitoring their statutory updates over time, also in light of new Third Sector legislation introduced.

With its many years of expertise in the field, the firm is always on hand to offer support for projects in the social and non-profit sectors, both to provide professional advice during the setup phase of the institution and in the subsequent phases of evolution, development, and transformation.

Company Law

Commercial and corporate law is certainly one of the main fields in which the firm has served Italian and overseas clients over the years.

Indeed the firm has managed numerous M&A transactions, in addition to incorporations, issue of debt securities, participating financial instruments, collaboration with banks, investment funds, accounting firms, and international law firms.


For many years, the firm has provided ongoing support to companies and dedicated funds both in the acquisition of SPVs and in purchase of plant and building lease, as well as managing aspects related to project finance and leasing operations for wind farms and solar parks.

Inheritance and Trusts

The firm has assisted numerous clients in inheritance planning, also with reference to extensive assets and complex family situations.

The notary’s assistance in planning the effects of inheritance decisions is essential for avoiding or minimizing the risk of contesting the will and optimizing payment of inheritance tax, as well as planning the generational transition in the event that a company is included in the legacy.

For inheritance management purposes, the firm has extensive experience in the field of setting up and endowment of trusts, also pursuant to the so-called “Dopo di Noi” Italian law 112/2016 applicable to severely disabled persons without family support.

Escrow Agent

The firm offers Italian and foreign clients an escrow agent service both for the deposit of sums of money and of securities. Where appropriate, the firm partners with the banking institutions indicated by its client.

As part of this service, the firm provides directly for drafting of contracts of mandate, opening of escrow current accounts dedicated to individual operations, and the implementation of instructions for moving deposited sums.